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孔子 Confucius

孟子 Mencius

老子 Lao Zi

儒学 Confucian School

论语 Analects of Confucius

发明纸和瓷器 invented paper and porcelain

发明火药 invention of gunpowder

发明印刷术 block printing was invented

科举制 Imperial Examination for recruiting civil servants

丝绸之路 Silk Route

长征 Long March

解放战争 War of Liberation

改革开放 reform and opening up

长城 Great Wall

外滩 the Bund

华山 Huashan Mountain

黄山 Yellow Mountain

滇池 Dianchi Lake

洱海 Erhai lake

孔庙 Temple of Confucius

故居 Former Residence

庐山 Lushan Mountain

少林寺 Shaolin Temple

长江三峡 Three Gorges along the Changjiang

黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfalls

敦煌莫高窟 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

大兴安岭 Greater Xing’an Mountains

小兴安岭 Lesser Xing’an Mountains

天池 Heaven’s Pool

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

日月潭 Lake Sun Moon

发源地 the birthplace

京剧 Peking opera

昆曲 Kunqu oper

中国画 traditional Chinese painting